Monday, January 5, 2009

A sad day for the Heckert babies

Today Kate went to the dentist, and he found the beginning of an over-bite and advised me to get rid of the pacifiers while her mouth can still return to normal.
So, Kate and I went shopping!
I found a doll for Lily and a cute dog for Kate to "trade" for the pacifiers.
They had to throw away their "pacers" in order to get the toys.
It was hard to see them both take such a big step, but they went to bed pretty good, we will see what happens in the next few days. Oh, my babies are so big!


Marcy said...

Both my babies weened themselves from pacies at two months! I hope they do good, for your sake :)

Handley Family said...

What a big step for two little girls. Good luck!!! Let me know if your "trading binkies for toys" method works. Maybe I'll see if Tate will trade me his left thumb for a new toy.

Cushing Ohana said...

They'll soon forget-- hopefully they have by now. Alana weaned herself at 28 mos, Alexa at 10 mos! And I can tell the difference in Alana's bite from Alexa's completely. I notciced Alana's bite being off myself around 23 mos (I knew to watch for that from my days working at the dental office), and thankfully it has actually improved over the years since she dumped the paci! Lexie was given a new paci, a silicone one 'cuz WalMart was out of latex, and she rejected it and never wanted one again! That was a surprise!