Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Growing up and getting crazy!

Well, it was not enough that Kate is going to Kindergarten this year, she had to go and lose her first tooth this weekend!!!! At first I thought she knocked herself hard in the mouth, but no, she is just growing up. As usual, this milestone come before I was ready, but time must march forward! When she first lost the tooth, she says to me, " I was so brave, I should get a kitty." Thats my girl!
Unfortunately, the day before she lost her tooth, her and Lily talked Drew and I into getting this little guy. Yes, in answer to all your thoughts, I am crazy. Breastfeeding generally sucks out all my reason and good sense, and Kate and Lily seized the opportunity.
His name is Alex and he is a Corgi/Beagle mix, so his legs are only about 3 inches long. I put him next to Elise for a size comparison. We love him and are excited to have him in our family.
Elise now is practicing sitting up and getting chubby!

1 comment:

Jared & Tristan said...

Oh I thought his name was Keeper :) He is very cute.